Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cellulite: What Are The Causes?

First let's start by talking about what is cellulite? Well, cellulite is a skin disorder that occurs primarily topographical in pubertal women. With this definition, you probably know as much as it did before. Well, to make it a little easier to understand we will first explain what is collagen. Collagen is a type of protein in your body that helps the connective tissues of tendons, ligaments and skin. In case, if the skin tissue becomes damaged, too thin, or full of holes, and the fat under the skin can grow, but in a way we call cellulite lumps. While cellulite is to find the cheese that may appear on the buttocks, thighs and calves and even, unfortunately, is very common for women.

So what exactly causes cellulite and why women are more prone to cellulite? Collagen requires oxygen and nutrients it receives from the bloodstream. As regards women as they age and their estrogen levels begin to decline, beginning some of receptors in blood vessels (arteries particularly in the lower body) to lose the function. Therefore, the flow may decrease and collagen loses blood circulation and break down. The reason it occurs in the calves, thighs and buttocks because women have three layers of fat in these areas. Lack of estrogen is an explanation of why older women tend to get cellulite, but for young women is different. As young women are not lacking estrogen does have estrogen dominance, which can result from eating large amounts of processed foods, soy foods and packaged, or a lack of physical activity or of high amounts of stress.

Why are women more cellulite than men?

There are some distinct differences between men and women that make women more prone to cellulite.

The first structure of collagen in women is different and has a weaker and less able to hold in body fat.

Second, both men and women have something called alpha and beta. Beta-receptors are responsible for breaking down fat, and alpha-receptors are responsible for producing more fat. Women have about a ten times higher proportion of alpha to beta receptors than men!

Estrogen levels also increased elevation of the building and fat women have more estrogen than men, filled with fat burning testosterone.

It may sound very depressing, if you are a woman, but not all women have cellulite and in my next post I will discuss how we can prevent and get rid of cellulite. Be sure to subscribe so you know minute "How to get rid of cellulite" is displayed.

Tip helps prevent cellulite

If you get panty lines stockings, tight underwear or tight clothing is a sign of clothing is to cut off blood circulation and increases the risk and low collagen and cellulite.

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