Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Do you eat avocado?

There are 10 health benefits of fruit avocado that can make us no doubt to eat 1 piece of avocado in every day:

1. Prevention Against Prostate Cancer
Avocado shown to suppress the growth of prostate cancer.

2. Prevention of Oral Cancer
Research has shown that certain substances
the avocado can find and kill cells
cause of oral cancer cells without harming

3. Prevention of Breast Cancer
Avocados as well as olive oil containing
oleic acid which can prevent cancer
breast in many studies.

4. Eye Health
Avocado has more content
carotenoids than usual fruits
Other consumed. These substances protect against
decreased vision and cataracts, two diseases
eye caused by age.

5. Lowering Cholesterol
Avocado contains a lot of beta-sitosterol,
a substance that is proven to reduce the level of
blood cholesterol. In a study consisting
of 45 volunteers decreased
cholesterol up to 17% after consuming
avocado many for one week.

6. Heart Health
One cup of avocado contains 23% of the value
The recommended intake of folate acid. some
Studies show that people who eat
folate has the risk of disease
cardiac lower than those without.
Vitamin E, unsaturated fats and glutathione in
avocado is also very good for your heart.

7. Prevention of Stroke
High folate content of the avocado also
prevent stroke. People who eat a lot of folate
have a risk of stroke more
lower than those without.

8. Absorption Better Nutrition
The study found that some types of nutrients
can be absorbed better if
consumed with avocado. In one study,
when the participants consumed a salad that
contains avocado, they can absorb five
times the amount of carotene (a group of nutrients including
lycopene and beta-carotene) than those who
do not mix it with avocado.

9. Sources of Glutathione
Avocado is a good source of glutathione,
an important anti-oxidant which the researchers
known to prevent aging, cancer and
heart attack.

10. Sources of Vitamin E
Avocado is a fruit that is the source of
vitamin E, vitamin main protect from
many diseases and help maintain
our overall health.

So,come on let's eat avocado :D
Hope it is useful.

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